Educational Materials
HandoutsTopic | Month, Week or Day | Recognition |
Infants | October | Child Health Month |
1 to 2 Year Olds | October | Child Health Month |
3 to 5 Year Olds | October | Child Health Month |
6 to 10 Year Olds | October | Child Health Month |
11 to 12 Year Olds | October | Child Health Month |
13 to 18 Year Olds | October | Child Health Month |
Cultural Foods | October 16 | World Food Day |
Feeding Kids | October | Child Health Month |
Feeding Kids 2 | October | Child Health Month |
First Grade | October | Child Health Month |
Food Drug Interactions | October | Talk about Medications |
Food Guidance System | March | Nutrition |
Food Labels | March | Nutrition |
Healthy Eating | March | Nutrition |
Hypertension | Febuary | Heart Month |
National Nutrition Month | March | Nutrition |
New Food Guidance System | March | Nutrition |
Special Needs Kids | October | Child Health Month |
Sugar Alcohols | March | Nutrition |
Vegetarians | September | Fruit and Veggie Month |
Vegetarian Kids | October | Child Health Month |
Vegetarian Types | September | Fruit and Veggie Month |